4 reasons why you can’t ignore videos in your marketing
It is known that video is the best way to create connections between businesses and customers. Video marketing is not a new sales tool, as already 63% of businesses have started using videos in their content marketing. Video is one of the most profitable marketing tools available right now. So here are the main reasons why you should consider including videos in your marketing campaigns.
Reason 1: Video helps to boost conversions and sales
There is a report that was published by Forrester that showed that including video in an email leads to a 200-300% increase in click-through rate. The good thing about video is that it can lead customer to sales. Another study has shown that 74% of users that watched an explanatory video about a product actually bought it afterward. It is also a well-known fact that most information transmitted to our brain is visual, so including many images to your campaign can already boost engagement, but when including a video, it can drive to incredible results. Also, 57% of consumers shared that watching videos gave them more confidence to purchase a product online.
Reason 2: Video is the best way to build trust among your clients
You should never underestimate trust. Conversions and sales are built on trust and belief that the product will improve the client’s life. Videos are the best way to build trust, as it can ignite emotions in your customers. Creating visual, aural, and emotional connections with your audience will help you to encourage loyalty and better communication with your clients. As we have known, most of the purchases that people make are going not from rationality, but from emotions that the product ignited in people. Moreover, some people are still a bit skeptical about buying things online, as they are afraid of scammers or fraud, so including videos will help you to build that confidence in customers and they will buy your products.
Reason 3: Video is getting more shares from people
One survey held by Usurv showed that consumers are…