planitretail’s Matt Spahn on How AAM Data Informs News Media Ad Spend
Agency founder shares his insights on using AAM data.
Erin Boudreau, Marketing Manager
AAM’s publisher clients often ask how media buyers are using their data. We recently sat down with Matt Spahn, CEO of planitretail—a media agency he founded in 2007—to discuss what role AAM-verified data plays in planning ad campaigns. He shared how his team uses AAM’s Media Intelligence Center, why they prefer working with audited publications and what data they value most.
AAM: Tell us about planitretail.
Matt Spahn: We’re an agency dedicated to providing locally targeted solutions to large retailers and grocers. We specialize in the management of print circular and ROP media solutions complemented by local digital campaigns.
AAM: What data do you find most helpful?
Matt Spahn: Circulation by ZIP code is the most valuable to us. We also pay attention to overall totals and individual categories such as single-copy sales and home delivery.
AAM data has that trust factor.
AAM: How do you access AAM data?
Matt Spahn: We download circulation data directly from the Media Intelligence Center. Then we integrate this data into our internal database and work with it from there.
AAM: How does planitretail use this data?
Matt Spahn: We validate newspaper circulation claims and trends and help identify media products across the country at the ZIP-code level. This data also helps us analyze market penetration to determine if we are reaching high-value customers. We believe that detailed reporting informs smart targeting solutions. That’s why AAM data is invaluable when analyzing media products and for geographic targeting.
AAM: How important is it for a publication to be AAM audited?
Matt Spahn:…