Home Articles This is Marketing
Articles - Marketing Strategy - January 27, 2020

This is Marketing

Editor’s Note: This guest post was contributed by Seth Godin, the the author of 19 bestselling books, including his latest, “This Is Marketing.”

If you need to persuade someone to take action, you’re doing marketing.

If you’re looking for votes at the city council meeting, or looking for a promotion, you’re marketing.

If you’re writing copy on your website, taking a selfie for your social media profile or trying to talk your way out of a speeding ticket, you’re marketing.

Marketing goes way beyond advertising, email pitches or the way you do pricing. In fact, most of the time, marketing has nothing at all to do with money.

We’re surrounded by people who would like a piece of our attention, a bit of our trust and some of our action. Those people are marketing to us, and it helps to know what they’re doing right (and wrong).

If someone says, “I don’t do marketing,” they probably mean, “I don’t spend money on ads.” Those are very different things.

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