Marketing Strategy
How Customer Service Can Turn Angry Customers into Loyal Ones
Good customer service seems like common sense for businesses. But how valuable is it really? Until now, this has not been rigorously quantified across different companies. Businesses are understandably reluctant to share their CRM and sales data, and most research in this field has been based on surveys. But as more…
Read More »46 Psychological Marketing Examples for Smarter Marketing
Before the dawn of digital marketing, before buzzwords like “customer-centric” or “consumer behavior”, the relationship between marketing and psychology was little if not void. Enter: psychological marketing! Psychological marketing (or marketing psychology) is now the cornerstone of any successful company. Every marketing department will have consulted, hired, or created a…
Read More »If Strategy Is So Important, Why Don’t We Make Time for It?
Jonathan-Knowles/Getty Images Almost every leader wants to make more time for strategic thinking. In one surveyof 10,000 senior leaders, 97% of them said that being strategic was the leadership behavior most important to their organization’s success. And yet in another study, a full 96% of the leaders surveyed said they lacked the time for strategic…
Read More »This is Marketing
Editor’s Note: This guest post was contributed by Seth Godin, the the author of 19 bestselling books, including his latest, “This Is Marketing.” If you need to persuade someone to take action, you’re doing marketing. If you’re looking for votes at the city council meeting, or looking for a promotion, you’re marketing.…
Read More »University John and Old Pro
A belated Happy New Year to you… Just when you thought it was safe to check your messages,Andy pops in to your inbox with a new Copycat article. Life isn’t fair sometimes, is it? But, this Copycat is slightly different – it centres on one story. A true story. it happened last year. However, as…
Read More »Why Few Marketers Are Invited To Join Boards Of Directors
In numerous conversations with CMOs, a common question I’m asked is: “Why aren’t more marketers invited to join boards?” In research I’ve been working on with a professor from TCU (Ryan Krause) and Columbia (Don Lehmann), we studied S&P1500 boards over a six-year period (that’s over 65,000 board member biographies)…
Read More »20 Ways To Create An Amazing Customer Experience In 2020
With all the focus on how AI, data, personalization and more can create a better customer experience, I thought it might be fun to go back to some basics and look at different ways we can connect and build better relationships with our customers. These are very tactical. Find one…
Read More »Marketing Is Still an Art (and a Science)
Data-driven decision making has been the mantra of most good CEOs and CMOs over the better part of the last decade. They want all marketing decisions to be based on solid data that had previously not been available but is today in high amounts. But, data can be deceiving. It may lead you in…
Read More »Why CMOs Never Last
In 2012 a leading retailer began looking for a new chief marketing officer. The job description made the opening sound exciting: The new CMO would play a big, important role, leading the company’s efforts to boost revenues and profits. It seemed like the kind of opportunity any would-be CMO might…
Read More »25 Tech Predictions for 2020
The year 2020 opens a new decade and much will be different, relative to ten years ago. Here are more than two dozen predictions about what to expect, according to industry experts and executives. 1. Consumers will increasingly demand more privacy “In terms of the issue of consumer privacy, two things are going to…
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